
UMZE Ensemble: Broken Beauty

UMZE Ensemble: Broken Beauty

The "fragile beauty" of the music is not only evident in the concept and musical material of the pieces performed, but also in the way several composers strive for a delicate balance between live music and recorded music, as well as between the acoustic sound of traditional instruments and electronic musical effects.

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Last event date: Friday, May 17 2024 7:00PM

UMZE Ensemble: Broken Beauty

Judit Varga: Broken Beauty (2018) – Hungarian Premiere
Botond Bartokos: confused AF – Premiere
Balázs Futó: Rest(s) in (my) piece(s) – Premiere
Csenge Mihalicza: Clouds: Mammatus – Premiere
Gyula Bánkövi: Painted by the Time, op. 32
Anna Thorvalsdottir: Entropic Arrows (2019)

UMZE Ensemble
Conductor: Gergely Vajda

Broken beauty: the beauty of the temporary nature of living things. Entropy: the malleable nature of time, which for us humans can only manifest itself in one direction, towards decay, destruction, passing away. The works of the now world-famous Icelandic composer Anna Thorvalsdottir and the Hungarian composer Judit Varga, who lives in Vienna, frame the UMZE Ensemble's concert about ephemeral beauty. The "fragile beauty" of the music is not only evident in the concept and musical material of the pieces performed, but also in the way several composers strive for a delicate balance between live music and recorded music, as well as between the acoustic sound of traditional instruments and electronic musical effects. The magical timbres of Gyula Bánkövi and the beautifully complex work of Balázs Futó will be joined by premieres composed for the occasion by the youngest generation of Hungarian composers, Csenge Mihalicza and Botond Bartokos.

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Az előadás középpontjában két fiú története áll, egyikük szegénységben él, míg a másik a trón várományosa. Amikor sorsuk egy véletlen folytán összefonódik és helyet cserélnek, mindkettejük élete gyökeresen megváltozik.

This contemporary circus production conceived by artistic director Bence Vági recalls classic fairy tales with a story of how the mistress of the Crystal World loses her faith in human emotions and decides to freeze everything and seclude herself behind glittering walls of ice.

December eljövetele nemcsak a tartós hideg beköszöntét jelenti, hanem az ünnepi fényekbe öltöztetett utcákat, a karácsonyi vásárok forgatagát és a friss sült gesztenye illatát is. Elkezdődik a karácsonyi készülődés, melynek egyik elengedhetetlen eleme a Diótörő.

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