
Grencsó / Dukay / Kovács / Holló (HU)

Grencsó / Dukay / Kovács / Holló (HU)

The orchestra is made up of four autonomous composers who are masters of their instruments. Their meeting promises to be a unique experience, where contemporary music and avant-garde jazz interact.

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Last event date: Wednesday, October 26 2022 8:00PM

Grencsó / Dukay / Kovács / Holló (HU)

István Grencsó - wind instruments
Barnabás Dukay - piano
István Kovács Tickmayer - electric piano, sampler
Aurél Holló - percussion

This is the first time that Pont Quartet is performing in this line-up, although the core of the quartet, formed by István Grencsó and Barnabás Dukay, has played together with István Kovács Tickmayer and Aurél Holló in different line-ups, and some of these occasions have been recorded on memorable albums. The orchestra is made up of four autonomous composers who are masters of their instruments. Their meeting promises to be a unique experience, where contemporary music and avant-garde jazz interact. Whatever line-up they have played with, perhaps their most distinctive feature is that they have never used sheet music. They create a spiritual space through deep attunement and collective free improvisation, in which they create nothing less than a spell, a magic, the reclaiming of time.

Zsolt Németh

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

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