
Pecze - Tálas - Fonay - Csízi Play Standards

Pecze - Tálas - Fonay - Csízi Play Standards

In the repertoire, in addition to works by Victor Young, Charles Tolliver, Pat Metheny and Sonny Rollins, a few composition of Áron Tálas appear, outlining an alternative "jazz evolution".

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Last event date: Friday, February 25 2022 8:00PM

Pecze - Tálas - Fonay - Csízi Play Standards

Balázs Pecze - trumpet
Áron Tálas - piano, Fender Rhodes
Tibor Fonay - double bass
László Csízi - drums

This evening, young musicians, who are familiar even with the most current trends in jazz, will go back to the original source to present the little-known but more significant standards of jazz, filtered through their own experiences and imbued with comtemporary influences. Balázs Pecze (trumpet) Áron Tálas (piano, Fender Rhodes), Tibor Fonay (double bass) and László Csízi (drums) all belong to the forefront of the young generation of Hungarian jazz, so they had the opportunity to play together in many formations, but they have only performed once in this line-up.

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

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