Botanika 10. Színházi Olimpia - Senses Fesztivál
Theater de Spiegel (Belgium): Labotanik
pleasure ground for the little ones
0-2 y
65 min.
Eötvös 10 Main stage
Theater de Spiegel (Belgium): Labotanik
pleasure ground for the little ones
0-2 y
65 min.
Eötvös 10 Main stage
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!
Last event date: Sunday, June 11 2023 11:00AM
LABOTANIC is a pleasure ground for the eyes, ears and especially for the imagination. In this garden, small children grow up a bit, they taste music, movement or images together with their parents or supervisors. There are different things to discover at every eye level. They allow themselves to be pollinated by both the garden and the public, they capture what is in the air and plant music, dance or images. In the course of a session, wonderful sounds, movements or shapes grow out of this. And just like real gardeners in real gardens, the artists in LABOTANIK also intervene in the vegetation, the paths and the seeds.
Director: Karel Van Ransbeeck
Set design: Karel Van Ransbeeck, Wim Vande Vijver, Maneuvre, Vaartkapoen, Els De Muynck
Improvisation: Beethoven, Ligeti, Schubert, Debussy művei alapján
Musicians, manipulators: Adil Benshain, Sam Faes, Christophe Pochet, Griet Vanderpoorten, Nicolas Ankoudinoff, Dries de Maeyer
Dansers, manipulators: Anne Marie Honggokoesoemo, Romeo Lothy, Danaë Bosman
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